Whether you’re an employer looking to hire inclusion-minded individuals or a job applicant seeking out a workplace that champions diverse talent, chances are you’re nosing around — subtly — to ascertain whether the people you’re hoping …
National Hispanic Heritage Month is a celebration of the culture, history, and contributions of Hispanic Americans—those with roots in the Caribbean, Spain, Mexico, and Central and South America. It’s a time in the Hispanic community when we celebrate heroes, …
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Making her way from the sugar beet fields of Idaho to the stage of a professional opera company — the College of Fine Arts Alumna of the Year is out to prove the genre is for everyone.
As college students from diverse backgrounds enter the job market, they are often confronted with unique challenges not faced by their non-diverse counterparts. While the job search process can be difficult for anyone, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) …
For years, many in the United States and other countries used “Hispanic” to refer to people who live in or whose ancestors came from anywhere in Latin America, which is commonly defined as Mexico, Central America, South America, and the …
Under U.S. labor laws and those of many other countries and even regions within countries, there can be dozens of characteristics that might make you “diverse” in the eyes of the law and, therefore, might offer you some protections from …
Class of 2023 graduating seniors were actively engaged in experiential learning, with 79% reporting they participated in some form of experience during their time at college. Internships accounted for a significant portion of …
Some employers are careful to ask every candidate for a role the same questions and in the same order. Doing otherwise can introduce bias into the interview process, even if it is unconscious.